I've been in Seoul Foreign School for the past 5 years and has been in the same class. I was always in the British School and not the elementary school. I went from Y3S (Mr. Sykes), Y4C (Ms. Cook), Y5D (Mr. Defaoite a.k.a Mr. Defatty... he was the worst teacher i've ever had) Y6G (Ms.Gardner who was apparently a horrible teacher according to the year above but tbh... she was fine.), Y7V (Ms. Visahan who was one of the worst teacher I had too. So annoying lol) and finally Y8L (Mrs. Law) and she is our homeroom and English teacher. Amazing. Here's a link to our school just for you to see how it was like: Seoul Foreign School.
If you play Rocket League, you will understand just how frustrating this game is. You are on a roll but then boom you lose 5 times in a row and you lose a rank. I currently main 1s and is currently a plat 2. Last year I plateud at Gold 2/3 (I kept yoyoing up and down). I still play it and I want to learn more mechanics like consistently doing flip reset mustys or ceiling musty into a double tap which just looks super satisfying. I'm looking for a teamate in 2s so if you can just hit me up in my dms. Here's my Discord
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